Men’s League will be held on Monday nights with a shotgun start beginning at 6:00 p.m.
League Contact: Sonja Hadler, 651-387-5039
Men’s League Friendly Reminders:
- Subs can be used and you are responsible for finding your own sub.
- Please let Sonja Hadler know that person’s name by 6 p.m. on Sunday so score cards can be adjusted before league starts. Notify via text or a call, please.
- Check in at the club house, pay greens fees, and pick up your score cards for the match.
- We will be having weekly side games open to all players, you must pay before matches begin to be included for the night. $2 Closest to Pin, $3 Skins, $3 Par Jar
Click the link below to get to the Men’s League weekly matches, points, rules, sub lists, etc.: